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Hama Filter adapter ring from E 46 lens to E 52 filter E 52

Filteradapter / Reduzierring
Item Nr. 70412
Für weitere Info hier klicken. Artikel: Hama Filter adapter ring from E 46 lens to E 52 filter  E 52
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  • for adapting filters and other attachments to lenses with different mount dimensions
  • Precision metal rings with matte black surface
  • Attention: Small filters on large lenses may result in vignetting (especially at high speed and wide angle)
Adapter thread: 52.0 mm
Camera/lens thread: 46.0 mm
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Abholung am gleichen Tag im Düsseldorfer Geschäft
MSRP* 21,49
11,39 Filteradapter / Reduzierring
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Hama Filter adapter ring from E 46 lens to E 52 filter E 52

Short profile

  • for adapting filters and other attachments to lenses with different mount dimensions
  • Precision metal rings with matte black surface
  • Attention: Small filters on large lenses may result in vignetting (especially at high speed and wide angle)

Product description for Hama Filter adapter ring from E 46 lens to E 52 filter E 52

Adapter thread: 52.0 mm
Camera/lens thread: 46.0 mm

Ideal for


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Hama Filter adapter ring from E 46 lens to E 52 filter E 52

52 mm
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