In accordance with §11 PAngV (German ordinance regulating the indication of Prices), the last offer price shows the lowest price of the last 30 days after all usual direct discount deductions. Discounts such as cashback or trade-in, which are calculated or paid out after the purchase or by third parties without a contractual relationship with Hifi Foto Koch GmbH (service providers, agencies, manufacturers, etc.) or which require further action, are not included.
Imaging small objects and details in a big way! That already describes macro photography very well! But what exactly could be a motif for this type of photography? Soap bubbles, insects, flowers, snowflakes and much more, that could include the shots as a motif.
If you print your own pictures at home, you need to pay attention to a number of things. In addition to the right color profiles for the pictures, you need to pay attention to the drying times required by the respective papers and the effect you want to achieve with the paper on which the pictures are printed.
We are always being asked which camera to give your children or grandchildren. We would like to help you with this and recommend the best cameras for every age group.