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Foto Koch offers public institutions, schools, vocational schools, technical colleges, universities, day care centers, institutes, authorities, institutions under public law, police, fire department, military and legal entities not acting commercially in the general interest the possibility to order uncomplicatedly by invoice.

We have been a safe partner and reliable consultant for photo, video and electronics for years. We work enthusiastically on our service and fast and smooth shipping and offer our public clients the following advantages:

  • professional service since 1920
  • many years of experience in the mail order business – since the 1950s
  • Member of the Bundesverband E-Commerce und Versandhandel Deutschland e.V. (bevh)
  • we attach great importance to the highest level of quality and security
  • only original goods for the German market directly from the manufacturer or their contractual distributors - thus we can guarantee that all goods are manufactured in accordance with the directives
  • Professional partner of most world brands
  • Fulfilment of all legal defaults
  • Preparation of individual offers according to your needs
  • personal contact person
  • Service on site

Please do not hesitate to contact us! We also offer framework contracts and tenders from which you can benefit.

Your contact:

Mina El Jamli
Phone 0049 211 / 17 88 00

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